UPDATED: Bill’s signed bass guitar he donated to a charity auction in support of the depleting coral reef in the world’s oceans raised $6,250. Watch the video of Bill signing the guitar to be auctioned.
Bill donated the bass guitar for the Central Caribbean Marine Institute – Festival of Seas 2019: Coral Carnival auction, where it was given a priceless status and raised a huge $6,250. Bill hopes the donation will help raise awareness and money in support of the marine institute.
Bill says:
I’m signing this one and it’s going to charity because I have a soft spot for the sea and the reefs, which are in great danger. So, please help.
The bass guitar was sold in the auction last weekend, with live online bidding.
You can see Bill signing the guitar and asking for support to help protect the coral reefs below. Find out more about the Central Caribbean Marine Institute – Festival of Seas 2019: Coral Carnival auction and see where you can help.