Bill Wyman’s documentary The Quiet One is now available to stream on-demand in HD directly from Bill’s site – and you can rent at watch at home for just £7.66.
The Quiet One Offers a unique behind the scenes look at the highs and lows of the life of Bill Wyman, founding member of the Rolling Stones.
Click here to watch The Quiet One on demand.
Throughout his career Bill kept a detailed diary of every single day. He shot hours of unseen film footage, took thousands of photographs and collected a vast private archive of memorabilia. Watching his footage and hearing his stories is like going back in time to stand at Bill’s shoulder and experience his life first hand. Against the odds Bill escaped a bleak future in post-war London to find himself at the very centre of a musical and cultural revolution as the bass player in the world’s greatest rock and roll band. Funny, moving and enlightening to even the most studious of music fans, The Quiet One will forever remain a unique cinematic experience; no performed, partied, collected and curated like the quietest man in the world’s loudest band.
Click here to watch The Quiet One on demand.
Watch the trailer of The Quiet One below!
The Quiet One from Backbeat Docs on Vimeo.