Fancy catching up with all Bill’s radio interviews from the past few weeks? Listen again to Bill’s great broadcast chats with BBC Radio and Planet Rock.

Bill has been appearing on a number of radio shows across BBC and independent radio, talking about music, his career and the up-coming album Back To Basics. The new Back To Basics album in Bill’s first solo release in 33 years – and will release on June 22, 2015.

You can pre-order Back To Basics, and get an exclusive, special hand-signed copy directly from Bill himself!

To get you ready for the launch, Bill has been conducting lots of radio interviews – and in case you missed them, we’ve linked directly to the catch-up and listen again services from the BBC and Planet Rock so you can listen at your leisure.

BBC Radio interview sessions

BBC Radio Jersey Tony Gillham (Starts at 1.45.17 and finishes at 1.48.00 the BB King tribute with Bill)

BBC Radio Merseyside Billy Butler (Starts at 0:30.25 and finishes at 46.35)

BBC Radio Suffolk Stephen Foster

Planet Rock interview

Listen to Bill on Planet Rock –