Bill Wyman was interviewed by The Wall Street Journal in a wide-ranging talk about his life – and written from Bill’s perspective as he describes his study, favourite colour, and even the part Rupert Bear plays in his life.

The Wall Street Journal Interview – titled Rock and a Soft Place – was written by Marc Myers, reveals lots of details about Bill’s home in London that he shares with his family, including his favourite dog and a written tour of his study.

Bill says:

The Chelsea section of London is important to me. I joined the Rolling Stones in December 1962 at the Weatherby Arms pub on King’s Road, and I’ve lived in a series of flats in the area since 1980. Twenty years ago my wife and I bought the three-story, 16-room Chelsea house where we live now. When I’m home, I’m usually in my study.

Our house was built in the 1700s. In the 1800s, Dr. John Samuel Phene lived here—he persuaded London to plant trees in the streets all over the city to improve the air quality. My study was his study, so that feels good. From my house, I can go on walks along the River Thames and stroll over to the Chelsea Physic Garden where there are plants and trees from around the world. I’m a member there, so they let me photograph butterflies and pick mulberries off the trees and eat them.

You can read the full interview at The Wall Street Journal.